Our Dog Breeding Philosophy
Breed a true German Shepherd dog with a strong willingness and work ethic that is genetically sound and as close to heritage attributes as possible.
Breed for the betterment of the breed, never for fad, fashion, or show.
Provide companion, service, work, or sport dog prospects at an affordable price.
Have zero returns by matching puppies to buyers through knowledge and assessment.

After the 60’s the German Shepherd starting to be bred for a more sloped – roached, back. Corresponding with this trend was an increase in dysplasia of hips, elbows, and spine. The breed began its decent into two distinct body types: the working line or heritage type, and the show line. We breed toward the traditional heritage type body style for genetic and physical soundness. Anyone with the desire to title a Long Trails Farm puppy in a working competition should be able to do so with the right training and effort.